Monday 26 April 2010

Spider Diagram

This is a spider diagram explaining what is effective on album covers and music videos.

Final draft of my album cover

To finalize my album cover, i added a serial number to make him look more like a convict, i think this is an effective album cover as it is completely related to the police just like the album cover name and lyrics in the song.

This is the back of my album cover, it shows the artist from a different angle, and there are the names of some of his songs on the back.

Third draft of my album cover

In this i just added the Parental advisory badge to give it a more real effect.

Second draft of my album cover

In this one i decided having the image in black and white would look better as it looks more classy, also it reminds me of the text book robber that dresses in black and white, also i added the artists name and album cover.

First draft of my album cover

This is my first draft of my album cover, i just took a basic image and put a background on it as though he is in a police station.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Music Video Analysis Outcast - Hey Ya

One of the features in this video is the fact that in the video all the band members are played by the same person, this will help promote his image and will be seen on the screen at all times, throught the song, there are shots of the show being performed, shown through a television or polariod, this helps us be put in the position of the real audience, lastly they time the images on the screen very well to the sound of the music, such as when said " shake it like a polaroid picture" and there is a women shaking a polaroid picture on screen.

Music Video Analysis - Lady GaGa - Telephone

This music video is by the artist Lady GaGa featuring Beyoncé, the song is called Telephone. The song has similarities to the film ' Kill Bill' the text is the same, and so is the colour theme also the plat is the same, as the women are seeking revenge on men. The truck in the video is the same one used in Kill Bill. Also the music video is very sexual at times as there are women dancing around in their underwear, this is done to attract a male audience, as sex sells. There are many shots of Lady GaGa in wacky outfits, this is to sho she is a unique person, and shows her unique image.